Thursday, 8 April 2010

Calls just in time zone please.....

I had a wheelchair on order to help me walk a little more and take a rest when needed. Basically push it along until I needed a pew.

My brother in law read my blog and called to say they still had a wheelchair from my mother inlaw.

Amazing how connections can be so helpful and bring out kindness....

So the wheelchair has been cancelled with home help...saves money too right....

My garden is looking tidy and ready for the growing season with all hands on deck the last few days....brillant.

Great to see the daffs, tulips and spring flowers popping out colours......

Sis,Mike and Mollie go back home to England tomorrow with PO Ferries and should be home tea time. It has been a joy having them here with Auntie Sha leaving earlier in the week Monday. Now back to work....enjoying the joys of Fish and chips soaked in vinegar and salt.

It has been a great feeling having them all around helping out and keeping me house is a little cottage so it has been a bit crowdy....but plenty of places to have a rest in my room and get my mind at peace when needed.

John and I will have the weekend to our selves and the following week so great quality time together in a few days to bond and chat and be together.

I am finding it harder to reply to mails letters and emails recently...just dont have the energy sometimes. So I will be posting an email soon to tell everyone to read the blog for updates only and not to send anymore personal mails as it is just too much admin.

Calls please just between 15:00 and 17:00 otherwise my day is just find I am being disturbed by calls all day work work and I am finding I need more and more naps.

This does not apply to family of course!!

If you find that you want to call in that time zone and it rings it could also mean I am taking another call and although i have call waiting i do not use it...i finish the call i am on not to be rude. So if you call and i do not answer....ask yourself is it important...yes,no....try another time day.

Thank you all for your help here......

xxx leigh

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