Saturday, 3 April 2010

Neo bladder playing games

Good morning,

My neo bladder has been keeping me awake at night the last few nights and sleep has been cat naps in the

Just a quick update to say I am still here alive and kicking and trying to enjoy every moment of life.

Yes of course I have worries and crazy thoughts in my head....all part of trying to accept the obvious.

Second opinions are no option for me for the extension to my life that they could bring. I have chosen for quality and connection with my family and friends.

The fight certainly goes on to survive as long as positive attitudes all the way.

My Oncologist has no real stats on how the evolution..progression of the disease will take. Roughly 1% of bladder cancer patients end up with mets in the spinal fluid. So no real sucess results for treatment that can be offered. The best was chemo injected directly into the spine but the results were two months extention at best.The pain,sickness and traveling would just not be worthit. My passing could be spontaneus, or spread over weeks rather than months.

So I now choose life....enjoying my time alone with my thoughts and with my partner and family and friends.

I feel at peace and have a calming presence that all will be well.

The summer time has started here in Hollland and all life has started to grow and buds and flowers are sprouting everywhere....wonderful.

It is Easter weekend and my little niece and Auntie and sister are here in Holland with me this Easter break and we are bonding in so many special ways.

I wish everyone a really special Easter weekend and love and peace to all.

Leigh xxx

1 comment:

Astrid said...

Hallo Leigh,

Ik denk dat je me nog wel ken (of niet), Astrid van Pabo. Via Neeltje ben ik op je site terecht gekomen. Ze vertelde me hoe het me je gesteld is. Ik weet niet wat te zeggen. Heb het er net met Nico (mijn man) nog over gehad dat je aan mijn bed stond in het ziekenhuis, ik mocht niet praten maar je verwende me met allerlei lekker drinken. Nu schrijf ik je hier, ik weet niet wat ik moet schrijven maar wil je wel laten weten dat ik aan jullie denk. Een harde tijd voor jullie samen. Zo te lezen kun je het wel goed van je afschrijven. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen, koester de momenten samen de komende tijd, probeer toch nog een beetje te genieten, ook al zal dit niet gemakkelijk zijn.
