Saturday 3 April 2010


Just to let you know my port has settled down and it is free to the world to inject into.

It is located under my left shoulder bone and now feels like a small lump....guess it is still is a little red and painful when one the cats decides to use me as a spring board lol.

Funny how they know just were to jump....

Kitty and Andy visited yesterday and fixed up a new computer for me to use downstairs which is wonderful. My stairs are getting harder and harder to own fault really...two weeks in hospital and my legs are very weak. Have to walk more to build up some strength.

What a special gift though along with all the others.....especially the fabulous chocolate easter eggs.

Theo and Ellen too and my family baring me with gifts and is hard to accept....but I will do my best to accept modestly of course Leigh being Leigh. It seems like Christmas....when i get visits...I appreciate you all so very much....thank you.

I feel lucky lucky lucky..........please no more gifts though...I just want your presence, love and bonding.......


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