Monday 12 April 2010


I took delivery of my new wheelchair Saturday which was a hard pill to chew.

Theo and Ellen still had it in the cellar from Marcels mum to be more mobile. At least it will get me more mobile as I can walk with it and take a seat when tired.

This past weekend John and I had lots of time together and family have all gone home and we have our home back.

The distraction of family and bondding was very special but as we all know it is great to get back to your own routine.

Today the 12th I had a really lazy day....checking a few mails and having mini naps. My legs are giving me gip at the moment and paracetomol is just not enough. The doctor will be here tomorrow for a home visit and I will ask for stronger meds. My legs are cramping up at night even with an electric blancket on my legs.

I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow with three ladies popping over to see me from the UK...I feel honoured. They are my old dear friends Pearl, Anita and Rosie. Pearl and Anita I used to fly with at BMI and I also flew with Alan, Rosie's brother and Rosie and I became good friends.


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