Saturday 20 February 2010

Eye Candy

Yesterday John drove me to Gent for my follow up with the Radiotherapy doctor. It has now been nearly a month since my treatment ended and everything seems to be going to plan.

Weaning off the steroids is the aim now and next week begins the tapering again….it will be ok this time!!

As the radiotherapy continues to work for up to three months I may be a baldy for some time…although I do feel bristles of hair growing back…..

So I have now been handed over to the Oncology department in the hands of Prof, Rottey my specialist in Urinary and Head and Neck cancers so I am in really great hands.

My next hospital trip will be in early March for a CT scan of my thorax and abdominal area and the results of these tests a few days later. This of course is to check that the original bladder cancer has not taken up home anywhere else.

These appointments are getting harder and harder as basically I am waiting for those words Leigh don’t worry the scans are clear. The other option is not an option and will only mean we will do our best for you to extend and delay the inevitable as much as possible.

Psychologically it is a strain and I do have moments that I am scared and those moments are occurring more often. Being at home alone all day has a part to play in my mental health at the moment and I crave other sights and sounds.

The treatment path has been difficult however I am feeling stronger these days so feel motivated from that to strum up positive thoughts and energy.

Getting away with John and friends next week will be wonderful and have been so looking forward to it for ages. I have been scared that I may spoil proceedings with my health and have to back out….but no I will be ok….I will have enough energy…and I will have a wonderful time enjoying the warm sunshine sitting in the shade or swinging in a hammock sipping long cool drinks and checking out the eye candy.

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