Wednesday 17 February 2010

Shrove Tuesday

Time to hit the indoor cycle today to shed off the calories from Shrove Tuesday!!

I made some lovely jam and pure chocolate filled pancakes for desert last night and they were delicious.

It has been some time that I have flipped some pancakes and everyone of them turned out perfect…I have not lost my touch.

The heating man paid a visit also yesterday for a maintenance check-up, the pressure bar was nearly touching 0 and the boiler has been gurgling and banging for a few days. After a clean out with a vacuum cleaner and a good drink of water it sprung into action and warmed up the house….so now I am warm and cosy again…

Winter is winter this year and night times are well under 0, the cats just have no intention of going out to play. They cry to be let out…I open the door…they take once sniff of the cold air and come running back in. They are all very happy the radiators are up and running once more.

Ok time to do some chores…poop scooping …how lovely!!

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