Sunday 28 March 2010

Getting my house in order

Preparing to get my house in order this pass week has been a great strain on my partner and family and friends. (me too of course but kept that secret)

They have all rallied around to get things rolling for me.

Getting home care registered and set up when the time comes so that just a phone call is required. They will be available 24/7 when necessary which is a great relief.

The funeral directors have paid a visit and me being a total control freak at the momment have all that set up ready to role. Of course my family found it devastating to talk about as our European culture hides everything and anything to do with dying. Lots of tears and sadness...which in a way was a cleansing for us all. Designing my own passing announcement cards and thank you letters wws pretty weird but satisfying at the same time.

I guess I have just blocked the emotions .....should really be more sensitive to my family's emotions more....just got to get it organized though so that they have nothing to do later.

So desperately trying to make it a celebration of my life instead of a somber do you do that right when loved ones are taken away.....hmmmm

Finances have been a nightmare....writing letter after letter...insurances...pensions....changing names on documents...Getting letters on original documents from doctors to prove that I am now a terminal cancer patient etc....well I am pleased to announce it is all done and dusted....a week of help and support and now I can too can my family and close friends.....I know they are happy about more pressure for them....well you know hat I added work from me...

One great thing came out of this last weeks trauma of planning is that most of them have now set up there own funeral insurances and packages........

Ok...I had my rambling head on....could not sleep....xanax calming tablet kicking in now....03:16 in the morning here in Holland...time to get some nods in noddy land.....big day in the morning.....setting up a second opinion ...

Love and peace to all...xxxleigh

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