Wednesday 24 March 2010

Busy few days

John and I have had a really busy week so far sorting finances and organizing services for the funeral etc.

As I am sure you can imagine it has been a very trying few days. Luckily my Sister and Auntie came over for a few days to help us. So much to organize and could have not done all those things alone. Thank you so much guys....xxxxx

Monday morning we had the home help nurse, setting up everything for us for when the time comes, so that is now in place and we just need to give them a call. They will be available 24/7 when necessary.

Monday evening the funeral director paid a visit and now all is set up for the that day too.....weird evening though...choosing a coffin , flowers and type of service etc....It is now organized and another thing off my mind thankfully.

Yesterday I had an appointment with the local surgeon at my local hospital De Honte Terneuzen to have a porto cat installed in my chest on Friday afternoon. This will help the nurses in the future if I cannot hold down my medicine and they can just inject directly into the box sitting under my chest. It is usually used for admin of chemo and taking blood etc.

I have chosen to go for a local anaesthethic and the procedure is roughly 30 min and after a coule of hours I can go home.

Chat another time with more news when poss....

Oh so far my reasearch has uncovered that maybe a drug called Methotrexate could possibly help and slow down progression of the disease within the spinal fluid...

Anyone interested in doing reasearch please do any help appreciated......


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