Sunday 28 March 2010


Metrotrexate seems to be a possibily that can be given orally, intravenously or injected directly into the spine. Seems to have a delaying effect on the cancer growth.

Seems that I am clutching at anything passing me by....but hey I feel well enough and have energy to research a little. If I can get a few months or longer out of this with little side effects it really is worth it to me for the time with my family and friends.

I had my port placed in on Saturday and although it is still giving me a bit of gip when I move my arm or stretch it is ready and willling to go when needed.

I had it done under local injection and the procedure took just 30 mins....The initial pain of having the numbing injections under my left shoulder pain passes quickly and the procedure zoomed away.

Just had to have an xray after wards to check that no puncture had occured on the lung which I am sure I would have known about....but got the all clear. After a sandwich and cup of coffee I was sent home packing.

My home care is just to shower as normal and change the dressing each day for three days and then to air it out to the world.

I have no real pain ...just discomfort when in bed and rolling over to turn sides....

Paracetomol is more than enough to take off the feels much bettter already. Just feels like a small mobile inserted into my left chest.....please dont call me....not sure how to answer it yet...did not get


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