Wednesday 6 January 2010

New drug of choice

The stiffness in my neck has worsened recently and paracetamol does not take the edge off anymore. It is difficult to turn my head left and right and to touch my chin to chest and I often have a sort stabbing pain in my neck.

I called the reception from the neurology department and my surgeon called me back to reassure me.

I was immediately calmed as he had such a gentle calming voice and said that I should only be concerned and get in touch with my doctor if I had a fever, nausea or severe headaches.

He explained that they had to split the cerebellum in two to access the tumour and that needs time to heal. The removal of the piece of scull to access the cerebellum which was glued back in place would also be the reason I am having a stiff neck.

This morning I replaced the paracetamol for ibuprofen and have much more pain relief and this is now my new drug of choice!!

The big freeze continues and the gritters are out in force today sprinkling the salt and I feel like the lucky one, wrapped up warm inside in my pyjamas and fleece dressing gown snuggling up with my cats.

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