Tuesday 19 January 2010

Satsuma’s or Clementine’s

The head pressure and headaches are under control thankfully and the tiredness is just fine with lots of cat naps.

Two more sessions to go and I am done with this step of the treatment and can finally recover and build back my energy and stamina.

Holding off on anything physical has been a great strain although I have been good and reframed. I am so looking forward to getting the all clear from Neurology to start building up activities.

The lack of exercise has created chicken legs and I cannot be having them as a permanent feature. My muscles have just wasted away and lost all tone but I can soon whip them back into shape.

Presently I am a good advert for Satsuma’s or Clementine’s as my face and neck are a lovely red, orange colour from the treatment. A bit of a sunburn effect going on…just feels like sunburn.

The operation site on the back of my head and neck was shaved prior to surgery and my neck part is not growing back yet….The other bits are stubbly which is a good sign…I think the treatment is having an effect on the hair growing.

I have lost 7 kilo’s in weight although when I look in the mirror it looks like I have piled on 7 kilo’s. The steroids have a nasty effect of holding onto fluid which hangs around my neck and face….lovely not…. looking forward to getting off those crappy tablets, ASAP.

So the next step will be to finish the last two zaps of radiotherapy and then I head off to Neurology on the 02-02-10. I have an MRI planned late morning and a visit with the Neurologist a little later in the afternoon for the results.

These scans and results are the worse part of the waiting game although I should be thankful that the results will be the same day as usually I have a few days waiting time in between.

Two and a half years ago when they said I had stage 4 bladder cancer and I did a search on the web…the results were very negative on outlook. I can only say that I have been so lucky to have great support on my side to beat the odds of 15% that were given to me.

The statistics are pointers only and outcome certainly depends on being your own health advocate and getting second opinions for the best treatment.

I am so happy I requested a second opinion in the very beginning as I believe I would not be here today with ought the more radical surgical option I chose to follow initially.

Each time the disease has gone metastic I have had incredible luck that it was operable and treatable….long may this be the case.

This meeting on the 02-02-10 with Neurology of course will be very important in deciding which path my future will follow.

I often get asked that I remain so calm and positive during these drama’s….to be honest I never really had a choice. To live and fight or to curl up and wither away…and the latter has never been an option for me.

Having a wonderful support network of friends and family have guided me during my moments that I needed lifting…and I thank you all so very much.

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