Monday 4 August 2008

Barmy and tropical

I made an appointment at my doctors office this morning because of pain from an infuse site and to have my urine checked.

On my last chemo with the one night stay they had to stop treatment because my arm at the infuse site began to swell and become painful. The chemo was restarted on my other arm and I was advised to hold my arm in the air and apply cold compresses to relief the pain and swelling.

It took a couple of weeks before this reaction subsided but over the last few days it became more painful to touch and red at the site. The doctor said that it was an infection in and around the vein and that it will take several weeks for it to clear up.

My urine tested for blood and they will check my urine in growth cultures to see if I have an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. The results will be in tomorrow and I just have to call the doctors reception.

My blood pressure was also checked which was too high and I am to continue taking the blood pressure medication for one more month. Hopefully the chemo effects will have flushed out of my system so that my blood pressure levels come back to normal levels. It is only a half a tablet a day so no drama and this is the only medicine I use now which is a great relief.

It is really gusty today which is helping to keep the temperature down which is great…yesterday was so humid and any physical effort broke me out in a sweat. It was very barmy and tropical and I am sure the plants loved it.

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