Monday 4 August 2008


This last month has been wonderful with no doctor or hospital visits and now the appointments for checks are coming up this week.

Thursday will be my consult with my chief oncologist in Gent Belgium Dr. Rottey regarding the last six months of the chemo treatment and any future plans.

Being away from the web log has been a kind of holiday also although I missed it often but did not have much to say I guess.

During my month holiday I visited my family for a few days in the UK it has been such a long time since I was home.

It was a world wind tour as I only planned a few days because of my partners work commitments but it was great to catch up with everyone again.

We also booked a last minute holiday to Italy for a week with my partner and mother and father in-law. We stayed in a lovely town called Pittecio in the mountainous region of northern Tuscany.

Pisa, Florence were wonderful places to walk around and soak up the Italian atmosphere and Sienna was a place of beauty and amazing views across the rolling hills filled with cypress trees.

I would love to go back to Sienna one day to dream away the days and relax and enjoy the splendour of the landscapes and tiny villages and of course all the lovely Italian food and Tuscan wine.

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