Monday 4 August 2008

Jaw Chatter

Just cut the grass as it was getting to be a jungle out there….now it looks lovely. In this humid weather I swear the grass grows an inch a day J

The ants have started nesting in some areas of the grass and making the usual breadcrumb mounds. They ants are a tangy orange colour at the moment and will soon be turning red and hopefully taking flight late July. Normally I would gorge the mounds with lots of cold water to move them on but hey….they need a home too and it wont be long before they fly away. It just means I will have to patch up the grass with new seed in August and that is no great hardship.

For the first time this year I got the sun bed out and smothered myself in factor 20 and had an hour lying in the sun as a treat to myself for cutting the grass. Since being on the chemo I was unable to sunbathe because it plays havoc with your pigment in your skin and makes you susceptible to burn more easily. So I am taking it easy and will build up a nice glow slowly with lots of protection.

It was wonderful to lie down and hear the wind rustling in the leaves of the trees and the birds calling out and singing. The butterflies are out and about today also tackling the strong gusty warm winds.

Bi Bi our English grey short haired cat was actively jumping in the air trying to catch flies….not realizing that most of the time she did catch them in her claws. She makes a really funny noise when birds swoop into the garden kind of jaw chatter …

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