Monday 4 August 2008

Long Remission

I have had a war in my head the last few days because of some recent research into my diagnosis.

I am classed as stage IV bladder cancer because of positive nodes found during RC surgery and invasion into my prostate. All were removed during surgery but the stage apparently stays the same because of the original positive nodes and invasion.

It has come a bit of a shock to me because being classed as stage IV metastic bladder cancer does not seem to fit my situation. I will have to confirm this with my oncologist whom can hopefully shed some light on this for me.

Stage IV is not curable apparently although some patients can go into long remission which is what everyone in my situation hopes for.

My chemo was adjuvant and has now finished and I truly hope that it has zapped any microscopic cells away so that no new tumours can form at distant sites.

Scans do not pick up these microscopic cells and they only pick up tumours when the cells have formed new tumour sites which can take months depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer.

So I am living from scan to scan at the moment and trying not to freak myself out which I have been doing lately. I will try to stay off the research and statistics which just add doom and gloom to my day.

I have ordered a book called Cancer as a Turning Point recommended to me from a fellow bladder cancer warrior called Karen. She had a similar diagnosis to me with positive nodes although she had the chemo before her RC surgery and I had mine afterwards. She is now eight years out since her diagnosis and operation and living life to the full and doing very well health wise.

It is possible to have long remission even when the odds are against us and this is what I have to visualize for myself. Keeping up the positive attitude for a long and happy and healthy life….

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