Monday 4 August 2008

Positive and feisty

It was good to meet up with my Oncologist in Belgium yesterday; it has now been 6 months since I last saw her.

The plan for the next few months is to have CT scans of the lungs and abdomen in late August and to continue the scans every 4 months for the first two years.

The chance of the cancer returning is 80% in the first two years which is very high and this is the reason they will keep me under close observation.

I guess I will have to learn to live with the stresses involved with this diagnosis and hope that I am lucky to be in the 20% of people that have no reoccurrence of the cancer.

Obviously every ache and pain worries me although this has eased as time has gone on. What worries me is that I never had any pain symptoms with the original diagnosis. So I know also if the cancer is busy spreading I would not even have a clue about it. The only way would be a confirmation of a CT scan highlighting effected areas.

I will aim to be positive and feisty about it which I have read improves the survival chance enormously.

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