Friday 25 July 2008

Burning hoops

Just got back from the hospital, the last chemo did not go ahead because my blood levels are too low. After discussion with the chief chemo nurse it was decided that it will also not be necessary to delay it a week, I can just skip the last one.

So I am done………chemo finished……the dots are smile pauses………

So all I did was to have my blood tested and waited for the results in the chemo room….I was offered lunch while I was waiting…so that was a nice treat.

Everyone was smiling for me when I said goodbye…probably because I was smiling like a Cheshire cat…. I wished them all every success with treatments and walked away with a spring in my step.

The weather is wonderful today with crisp blue skies and the odd fluffy cloud….and the sun seems to be shining extra bright for me today….

I am done with hospitals now for a good month before I meet up with my oncologist. The only advice given to me was to take it easy over the next couple of weeks so that my blood can return to healthy levels.

I was advised not to drive for a week because if I had an accident I could bleed to death which was too much detail to hear when feeling on a high. It is not the first time my levels have been so low….so I will just take it easy anyhow…..I have no burning hoops to jump through this week thankfully.

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