Tuesday 5 January 2010

Metastasis to Cerebellum

My stage IV bladder cancer now continues its journey with a metastasis to the Cerebellum which controls balance and coordination.

It has been a whirlwind of drama the last month although I am really grateful that the neurologist was able to operate and remove the tumour.

Getting home for Christmas after the operation meant a lot to me and it was a very special time.

During the early hours of Boxing Day morning John had to take me to the local hospital in Terneuzen because of severe pain in my legs. I had a pain killing injection which relieved the pain and then we returned home.

Exactly the same thing happened the following evening, as soon as I went to bed the pain began to overwhelm me and once more we returned to the hospital for another injection. The doctors were unable to explain the pain although assured me it had no connection to the recent brain surgery.

The following day I visited my own doctor and restless leg syndrome was diagnosed and medication prescribed. Luckily this syndrome disappeared as quickly as it came.

Yesterday’s appointment at radiology to make the mask was a swift procedure. I just had to lie down on a bench and a warm plastic sheet was placed over my face and neck.

Two assistants moulded the sheet around my face until it cooled which literally took a few minutes. I had a breathing hole for my mouth and I was told to remain still while they did a simulation.

They left the room and I could hear the machine making noises and I can only assume it was taking measurements. After five minutes they returned to the room and started marking areas on the mask. The mask was then removed and I was able to get up and go home.

My coordination and walking has improved dramatically although my neck remains stiff and headaches constant. Paracetamol takes the edge off and I have sleeping tablets at hand if necessary.

The support I have had from family, friends and colleagues has been wonderful and I appreciate that very much.

Friday will be my first radiotherapy treatment and before I know it the two weeks treatment will be over.

Happy New Year!!


1 comment:

kitty said...

hi Leigh, sterkte vrijdag, bel je van de week, love you XXX Kitty