Thursday 10 July 2008

Beach and dunes

Just got back from one of many appointments today….

The appointment this morning with the lab to get blood works and then onto the Oncologist an hour later.

My white blood cells are remaining low and if I have no improvement overnight then the second round of chemo will be delayed for one week. It just means that I am more susceptible to infection at the moment.

I was asked to give a urine sample today also to check the anomalies that my general doctor keep having. They are sending the sample to the lab also to see if I have any infection or blood present in the urine.

Tomorrow I have my blood taken once more early in the morning and at 10:00 I can call for the results of the blood work. They will also confirm if the chemo will go ahead at 13:00 or delay it for a week.

The pelvic floor exercise appointment went well also today and I am happy to report that the exercises are already helping me with my continence issues during the night. This weekend I had no accidents and once only a few dribbles because I was too lazy to get out of bloody bed. J

My homework for the next two weeks is to keep up the exercise routine down below and they will check the progress in a couple of weeks…so far so good…

Later today I have an echo scan to check my abdomen and hopefully get to the bottom of the back pain which I must say is far less than last week thankfully.

The results of the echo will also be given tomorrow at 10:00 with the blood work….

The weekend was really lovely and sunny and I spent lots of time in the garden trimming the grass edges and making new borders which look fabulous already. The spring bulbs are really coming up quickly this year. I really hope we have a lovely warm April just like last year…..

On Sunday I had a lovely walk along the beach and dunes at Cadsand with my partner and friends and enjoyed a beer at a beach club…it really made me have a holiday feeling and I felt refreshed for the walk in the sea air….

Long may the sun shine……

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