Thursday 10 July 2008

Super Tuesday

I thought I would be paying a visit to the hospital last night as I had really bad pain in my lower back after I emptied my new bladder.

The pain was nothing I have experienced before and it worried me although it did subside after ten minutes.

During the night I had similar experiences each time after I emptied my bladder the pain returned a few minutes later and slowly disappeared.

Getting up this morning was fine but as the morning has progressed the pain in my back has increased and remains constant although not as severe as after urination. I have called my doctor and set up an appointment later this afternoon. The result of the x-ray is also available and I can have my urine checked at the same time.

It probably is just another bladder infection hopefully and that the x-ray is normal…..

So it is Super Tuesday today and I hope that it will be a Super Tuesday evening for me too….

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