Thursday 10 July 2008

Happy chappy

I am amazed at how quickly the laboratory works in forwarding the results of my blood test this afternoon. Just 40 minutes after I got home and I receive a call with the results.

My blood platelets are low but they will continue to offer the 15th day chemo tomorrow although with a smaller dose.

I feel perfectly fine although I am not sure if having low blood platelets would have any special feeling. Apparently it has something to do with the bloods clotting system and too low levels can cause bleeding.

It makes me feel comfortable to know that they are watching the levels careful and taking appropriate action…I feel that I am good hands.

This Friday I start with my muscle training to improve my night time continence as presently I have to wake every two hours throughout the night. These exercises I will be learning will strengthen my nether regions to improve the continence issues.

I think it involves the same muscles women strengthen after child birth…..

If I can stretch my toilet calls out to every three to four hours I will be a very happy chappy indeed…..

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