Thursday 10 July 2008

Neo-Bladder infection

In the weekend just gone I had some pain in my back and when I emptied my new bladder it felt tender. On the Monday I visited my doctor and was given five days of antibiotics.

Later that day I also visited the hospital to take a sample of my urine for a lab culture and the results will be in tomorrow. Blood was also taken at the lab to check levels were stable enough to continue eighth day chemo which they were.

It is now Wednesday the day after chemo and I feel more pain in my lower back leading to my right side. It may be part of the bladder infection as it is only the third day now that I am on antibiotics. Something I will keep an eye on and inform the chemo nurse if the symptoms persist.

I am a little more depressed than normal and although talking about my cancer journey helps me to vent sometimes, it is also good to disengage from this one dimension of my life.

Keeping active will be a good positive influence as I try to perform my daily routine.

The diagnosis hits hard at times as I fight with all the emotions I am experiencing with this path I am on. The operation alone was a major shock to my system let alone the side effects of the removal of my bladder and prostate and nodes. The chemo is now well on the way in my system and I feel the effects more each day.

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