Friday 25 July 2008

Rain drops

The rain drops are now starting to fall and I am so happy I had the most of the day in the garden in sunny weather.

The summer flowers have now been planted in the new border so they should start to fluff out over the next few weeks. They are annuals so they come back every year so they can take a little cold weather at night.

Today a hole was dug for the pond which is just a small round one holding 65 litres enough for some water flowers and grass. This should encourage the frogs and they do a great job at munching all the insects including slugs so this should help the hosta leaves stay whole hopefully.

I have just had a lovely hot shower to soothe my aching back from the digging and pottering around in the garden. Just in time as now dark clouds are hovering and the rain drops are starting to fall.

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