Thursday 10 July 2008


Cancerophobia is a neurotic and pathological fear of getting cancer which I believe to have suffered for many years prior to my diagnosis.

It has been established that cancerophobia has a high probability of leading to cancer at some point or other. I am a very strong believer that we are what we think.

The fact that my mum and grandparents developed and died of cancer relates also hereditary but this inner fear has been with me since childhood.

Cancer can be many things, disease, destiny, opportunity, life drama or tragedy.

My life as I knew it has changed completely due to this journey with bladder cancer.

It has given me the opportunity to consider what is truly important and I am learning to see my life from different points of view and shaping it into something new.

I continually question who I am and how I now relate to other people and of course what my mission in life is.

The best I can do right now is to use this journey as an opportunity as I have had my fair share of drama’s and tragedy.

My chemotherapy treatment is going very well although I do question if it alone is enough to prolong or cure my life.

During my research of my disease I have come across many alternative therapies which I believe can work together in complimenting traditional therapies.

Chemotherapy searches out and destroys degenerative cells and also my healthy ones which in turn destroy some of the health I still possess. At the same time contaminating the environment with its waste products.

Talking about waste products, I read an interesting article about traces of Prozac being found in the drinking water in the south of England. So many people are prescribed Prozac as an anti depressant in the UK that trace amounts of the chemical compounds making up this drug have been found in the water. To be honest I did not realize that the urine fed into the sewage system was eventually recycled back into drinking water….yikes…

I was kind of digressing I guess…..

Oh yes alternative therapies or complimentary therapies assisting conventional treatment not only to zap the cancer but to treat the body and soul as a whole.

I know that it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, sleeping well and eating healthy and balanced food along with daily exercise.

Finding and dealing with the inner issues have an extremely important place in being one with body and spirit.

It is easy to be led into false illusions while researching complimentary therapies and I am not easily led by claims of cures. If any claim is made to a cure then this helps me to swiftly move on as I am not wasting my time with foolish claims.

I am leaning towards things like meditation and massage and yoga for my body and soul rejuvenation. I think that taking up hobbies in arts and crafts would be rather soothing also for my spirit.

Later today I will have blood taken for analysis for day 15 of the chemo tomorrow….I am so looking forward to having a rest for a couple of weeks now before I start all over again for the second cycle.

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