Thursday 10 July 2008

Breathe deeply

The infuse for the chemo is getting harder eat time, you would think that I would be immune to a few needles every week but it certainly does not get any easier. The chemo nurses are struggling to find good veins and it hurts if they don’t succeed as they have to start all over again.

Anyhow the chemo is now running through my system hopefully doing a great job of zapping any cancer cells.

This week has been a struggle and yet again it took about a week to feel like I can tread water again and breathe deeply.

My emotions are running wild and fear for a burst out this week which actually will be good for me if that happens. A few tears to wash away my sorrows always helps settle things and put things in perspective. It will make me feel real again instead of trying to come off hard in a way that things are not bothering me.

It is just when I am on the verge of a good old weep my body goes into a self protect mode and washes the emotional wave away and the tears stay at bay. Oh well they will come in good time.

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