Thursday 10 July 2008


I feel exhausted at the moment as every thing I do seems to take great effort.

The weather is foggy and cold today and I can feel the cold deep into my bones when outside even though I have been wrapped up well.

When I look in the mirror I seemed to have aged overnight and my skin is very dry and pastier looking.

I sleep at least 10 hours a day but this ten hours is broken for toilet breaks every two to three hours which at times is a struggle.

Vitamins are needed right now I think with lots of fresh vegetables to give my body a boost.

I have just bought a few kilos of oranges so that should pump up the vitamin c at least.

It is strange because it feels like I am being lazy as I can see things need to be done around the house but I just shrug them off and walk on by.

I think I just need to let it be for a couple of days and just get with the flow.

The last few days of sunny weather we had really got me thinking about the garden. It will soon be time to start sowing seeds for the flowers and vegetables this summer. I am so looking forward to everything growing again in the garden and filling all the gaps up.

I having a feeling of irritation and frustration at the moment and little things that normally I would not care about are annoying me.

This mood will lift….tomorrow is another day and I should look forward to it……..

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