Friday 25 July 2008

Last chemo

In a couple of hours I will be having my last chemotherapy, so today is a big day for me on my road to recovery.

It has been a rollercoaster ride since January when I began and has taken nearly five months to complete the treatment instead of the planned four. This was due to delays in treatment because of low blood counts and various other minor blood level issues.

Looking back over the last few months I have been very lucky that I was able to independently care for myself. I heard so many horror stories over this treatment I was receiving and I am very grateful not to have had any severe reactions.

I am not making it sound like it was easy…because it certainly has not been easy and I will continue to feel the effects of the chemo for many months. It can take up to 12 months for the active ingredients to be flushed from my system and to feel normal again.

Luckily I am young and should recover from treatment well….lets just hope the chemo brain diminishes quickly because feeling like a zombie with my slow reactions is very frustrating.

This last big chemo has taken until now to ease and it just confirms that chemotherapy is a progressive treatment.

I will be very happy saying good bye to my chemo nurses today and hand on heart wish never to enter that chemo room again ever in the future.

I am done and dusted so to speak and my recovery now will be my focus as I piece back my life before this blip in my life occurred.

Tonight will be a celebration with my partner as we kiss goodbye to the drama of the last five months. I have a tear in my eye as I write this as it is a very big step in this process. I truly never thought that I would be alive or physically able to write this account of my cancer journey.

Of course I am extremely happy I am alive and doing well and will continue to do well…

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