Friday 25 July 2008

No more needles

Well the CT scan is out of the way and luckily they did not put contrast fluid into my anus this time which spared embarrassment and no running to the toilet which was great……

So now it is a waiting game until Monday which is torture to be honest with you. My mind will be seriously active until the results come in. I wish they could give the results much sooner.

I had blood taken today at the hospital also because my levels were very low, so I will call the hospital shortly to check with the chief chemo nurse.

I was chatting earlier to a friend about how it never gets any easier having injections for chemo or for drawing blood. In fact it gets worse and we have both developed a kind of phobia about it. I start to hyperventilate just before they put the needle in and then hold my breath until it is over. It makes me feel sick to my stomach I guess because they have so much difficulty finding a vein. I always end up have a bruise also for a few weeks.

Well no more needles for another week until chemo start’s again next Tuesday…..

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