Friday 25 July 2008


I think it is gong to be a crazy day for gardeners that buy summer flowers because all of the garden centres and DIY shops are competing to sell them at rock bottom prices today.

So later I guess many of us garden hobbyists will be preparing beds for summer planting. The chance of frost is still with us though so being cautious is in order I think.

I bought some annuals last week but daren’t take the risk of planting them until it gets a little warmer at night. They are snugly and warm in my shed until that happens….I am so excited about getting them in the ground to watch them develop.

I am going to try strawberries in hanging baskets this year which I am told is a great way of growing them. It keeps the strawberries off the ground keeping them clean and away from the bugs having a nibble.

My strawberries are doing really well at the moment because they have spent the last month in a warm propagator to give them a good head start…..

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