Thursday 10 July 2008

Injections and viagra

I am taking it easy at the moment as the Cisplatinum chemo takes hold and wipes the energy from me. The last few days have been like a dreamlike state and I have been unable to concentrate very well on anything.

On Friday I had an appointment with my Urologist to check the strength of my urine flow which was excellent.

The appointment was also for directions on how to use the injections and medication to gain an erection. It was pretty straight forward and the needle is tiny. The Urologist started on a very low dose and injected the first one which goes in at the base of the penis. It was a strange feeling but certainly not painful.

I was then told to go home and the erection would arise so to speak within 15 minutes which it did. It was a soft erection so I now have to play around and increase the dose until I reach the perfect

Viagra has also been prescribed which I can combine the two until I can find a happy medium. It will just take a few minutes preparation before any sexual act.

I thought it would be strange to talk about it but I feel absolutely fine about it. It is just the way it is and I cannot change a thing.

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