Thursday 10 July 2008

Urologist appointment

My Urology appointment yesterday at 09:10 with my new Urologist went very well and he is very happy with my progress so far since the operation. He was also in total agreement about having the chemo because of my age and health.

I have been offered a course to train muscles in the nether regions to try to control my continence more during the evenings.

At the moment I am 99% continent in the day time unless I have a sneezing or coughing fit J and if I am careful with drinks before bedtime I can be totally continent if I set the alarm every 3 hours for a pee.

I have not so far managed to stick to this routine and drink when I have thirst so I do leak sometimes into my sanitary pad….it just needs more discipline I guess…but I also think what the hell I want to have a life too and have the odd glass of beer or two….a few dribbles I am not going to worry about.

The muscle training course will help though to improve continence to 100% even with a sneeze or cough if I can remember to hold the right muscles…I am sure that will also become second nature.

The prostate and most of the nerves were removed also during the surgery last September and Viagra was also prescribed for impotence problems and have been advised to stimulate my manhood regularly to improve this…..use it or lose it my Urologist said…he is so funny. I have injections I can use also which give an instant erection for one hour or more.

I also have an appointment shortly with my Urologist in the correct injection method to use when I want to use it or lose it……

After the appointment I checked into the Oncology ward for the second round of chemo.

Firstly they hydrated my system with IV fluids for four hours and cleansed the IV with salt solution for 15 minutes. Then I had the IV anti sickness medicine Emend 80mg and Dexamethason 6mg for another 15 minutes also followed up with a 15 minute salt cleanse.

The Cisplatinum was administered over 3 hours through the IV also finishing with a salt solution for 15 minutes. Then I had IV fluid once more for two hours and then the anti sickness meds were repeated for 15 minutes followed by the salt solution for 15 minutes.

After this process had been completed my system was flushed with IV fluids the whole night to protect my kidneys from damaging because of the effect of the Cisplatinum chemo.

I tolerated this chemo very well and had only a slight headache and light headiness.

Waking to the toilet every 30 minutes was taking it out on me a little especially through the night as I only had cat naps and my neighbour sharing my room was snoring all night long.

So I do feel tired but put this down to sleep deprivation so I am off to my bed for a few hours so I have a bit more energy for this evening…..

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