Friday 25 July 2008

Thick twigs

Hey the weekend has arrived and apparently we are in for some warmer weather especially on Sunday.

Today is blustery although dry which is great for getting out and about. The weekend shopping has already been done so all I have to do now is relax and enjoy.

Yesterday I collected bag loads of compost from the local council rubbish tip which is free. I did not have a very good experience last year with it as it was mainly thick twigs. This year it is very fine and crumbly…perfect for giving my borders a good mulching.

My web log is developing into more than just my journey with bladder cancer as I have found lately that I am touching on things that have affected me in the past.

It is obvious I have not really found a place in my heart and mind for many things so I will be slowly expressing these experiences over the coming months.

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