Friday 25 July 2008

Good vibes

Well I had a fabulous day today weeding the garden on my hands and knees with the earth between my fingers and that is the best thing ever.

I must say the garden is looking pretty good at the moment….it is coming along leaps and bounds. I am happy I have had the energy recently to get busy with it and the rewards are well worth the toil.

The cats love the new pond which they use as a new water drinking station.

Keeping busy today kept me out of mischief and my mind was in a good place a kind of meditation which was very relaxing. My mind wanders to many places and it is just a feeling of watching them pass by.

Tomorrow is scan day and I have two bottles of contrast fluid to drink, one bottle at 07:30 and the other at 08:30 with ½ a tablet.

When I arrive at the appointment they will give me another bottle to drink just before they start. They will insert an IV for more contrast fluid for one of the scans and insert a tube in my anus that will feed more contrast fluid inside of me for another scan.

It takes about 20-30 minutes to complete the scans then it is a run to the toilet to get the fluid out of my bum.

Unfortunately it will be long wait for the results which are on Monday.

Please send good vibes my direction for a clear scan result……

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