Friday 25 July 2008

Thank you so much

When life takes a turn for the worse and all your worse fears become reality it is amazing that in the midst of all the turmoil, love, caring and support in many ways find’s it way to you.

I am not a religious man in the church going sense although spiritually I am open to life and the greater universe. Angels walk the earth in many forms and sometimes even when we do not realize we are touched by them each and every day.

Friends come and go in our lifetime and it is the test of true friendship when the unexpected like cancer hits the front door. I have found that some of my friends have disappeared from my life since my diagnosis and other friends have taken the time to support and care.

I am certainly not angry although yes sometimes disappointed in the reactions of some people but I guess it is their own fears that they are running away from.

Today I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has supported me in some way over the last nine months. I am very grateful to all my family and friends for loving and supporting me during my journey.

Thank you so very much….

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