Friday 25 July 2008

Pretty crispy

I have just had my ½ tablet of metoclopramide to prevent sickness and the first bottle of telebrix contrast fluid. I put the telebrix in the fridge overnight to cool and added syrup before drinking which did help to get it down.

The next bottle of telebrix will be in an hour and then I am done until the next bottle just before the scan. Now I know why they give an anti sickness medicine before drinking the fluid because the taste just makes you wretch.

I woke up today to frosty fields so it is pretty crispy outside today, the sun is shining though so the temp should rise quickly.

On the weather channel today they mentioned we are in for an easterly wind for a couple of days which we have not had for a long time. That will make things feel colder than it really is this week…..

I have not been up this early for a few months because the chemo normally keeps me in bed until late morning because of tiredness. It is a nice change though to hear all the birds singing in the trees and calling out to each other.

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