Friday 25 July 2008


I have had a strange pain in my right foot for a few days now and it is preventing me from getting out and about at the moment. A saw has appeared on the inside of my lip also which is very delicate and tender.

I called the chemo nurse and it was recommended to visit my doctor today to get meds to help out with the pain. I have an appointment this afternoon so hopefully I can be prescribed something to ease me into the weekend.

This last big chemo is having a big effect on my body and I am finding it hard to function mentally….just stringing words together for my log is such a hard task.

I feel really slow and hazy and it is soooo bloody frustrating …..

It is bloody typical I go through 5 months of chemo and just as the last one is dawning this Tuesday…side effects start appearing.

All I can say is that if my hair falls out now I am not going to be a happy person to be around…surely the universe would not be so cruel…would it…

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