Thursday 10 July 2008

Cisplatinum is a bitch

This time round it has hit me hard and I have found it testing to find my feet the last few days.

It has hit me like a wave of tiredness and with feelings of lacklustre and everything is just a struggle at the moment.

I am sleeping more and more and I have headaches throughout the day and since Thursday I have had a feeling of nausea although luckily I have not been physically sick.

Constipation has been pretty bad since Wednesday although yesterday evening my body finally allowed me to offload some goods which has been a great relief to my system I can tell you.

The appointment for my pelvic floor exercises did not go ahead today as when I arrived at the clinic I was told that my physiotherapist had gone home sick. So that was a wasted journey when I too was feeling pretty crappy.

I then went onto the hospital to get my blood checked for the chemo tomorrow. I was called an hour later to be told that my blood work was good and the chemo planning will go ahead as scheduled.

I was a little taken aback by this because I feel so rotten at the moment and was sure they would tell me my levels were too low.

The Cisplatinum is obviously going to be the bitch each time I take it as it has certainly slapped me in the face.

My incontinence is virtually back to square one again at night time as I need to get up every two hours to stop any serious leakage. It is something that I am just going to have to get used to during the chemo on the Cisplatinum week.

Thank goodness this will only be temporary and next week should improve slowly as my bodies natural instincts to wake me up appear again.

I wanted to write something positive but don’t feel very positive about my situation at the moment so that is just the way it is.

Tomorrow will be another day….

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