Thursday 10 July 2008

Pelvic Floor

My appointment for the pelvic floor training went well today with the initial consultation and relaxation exercise.

I had to tense different parts of my body then relax them to understand the natural feelings I basically take for granted. This was not a problem and she was happy that I can relax my muscles automatically.

For the next couple of days I have to fill in a form to measure the amount of fluid I drink and the volume I urinate along with logging the time.

I explained that daytime continence is nearly 100% except for the odd dribble when I sneeze or cough. Nighttimes are when I have an incontinence problem if I don’t wake every two hours to urinate. This she assures me can be improved upon with the pelvic floor exercises.

Monday will be my next appointment to start the pelvic floor routines and I will have roughly ten sessions in total.

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