Thursday 10 July 2008


The x-ray of my pelvic region is clear and what a relief that is to know it hasn’t spread to my pelvic bones. However the pain I experiencing is not pleasant and I will have to discuss this further with the urologist next week.

Apparently the operation I had in September last year could have made permanent damage to the pelvic nerve system. If this is true in my case then the pain in my right thigh and back could be because of this. I don’t want to rule it out though until the urologist has had a look at the growth in my new bladder.

I nearly forgot to call for the results of the x-ray and if it wasn’t for Kitty eager to know the results I wouldn’t have the result…thanks lovey!!

My mind was far away on distant tropical shores because I was busy laying a tiled floor the tiles of which donated by the JFK family, thanks sweeties. I have given the walk in cupboard walls a pastel blue colour and it is lovely.

This weather we are having is keeping me inside at the moment but at least I can catch up on odd jobs around the house.

I guess keeping me out of mischief…

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