Thursday 10 July 2008

Look and see

The look and see operation is provisionally booked for the 20th March and I am waiting for a confirmation letter for this date.

Apparently three days have been scheduled although the Urologist mentioned a one night stay if it is a minor repair. I guess they have to be cautious because of the chemo treatment at the moment which will extend the normal recovery.

Instead of getting my blood levels checked the day before each chemo I have been advised to arrive thirty minutes before my chemo appointment. This is much better as I now only have one trip a week to the hospital. It just means I will wait for the blood result to come through before the treatment can go ahead.

Tomorrow will be day 15 of the second round chemo and then I am done and dusted for another two weeks. I am pleased this second round has nearly finished and thankful that the yucky feelings have gone away.

When I visit the oncologist before the start of the third round I am going to ask for more anti sickness medication to help me through the Cisplatinum on day 2 of the third round. It really was a good eight days before I felt anywhere near normal this last time and I certainly want to avoid that next time.

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