Thursday 10 July 2008


So I am ¾ of the way through nearly with just 6 more chemo’s to be injected and then I will have a CT scan to check my body for any spread of cancer.

I am struggling at the moment as I recover from the last big chemo last Wednesday and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

It is a strange feeling of tiredness and out of body experiences I have been having which have been weird. I certainly have been listening to my bodies needs though and not pushing myself too hard.

I maybe just getting used to the crappy feelings it gives now a kind of acceptance which I know has a light at the end to feeling good once more.

The weekend has flown by so quickly and all I have done is take it easy and be pampered by my partner which has been bliss for a change….

Thank you for all your help and support in these last difficult days.

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