Thursday 10 July 2008

Big melt

It may sound strange to talk about my waterworks but it means a lot if you struggle to pee for so long.

Each day has been an improvement in my flow which has increased dramatically and I can now empty my bladder in seconds saving so much time and energy.

The pain has also subsided and I only have a little twinge now and again so the healing process is far speedier than expected.

Tomorrow starts the third round of chemo and I am certainly ready for it this time with the awareness that the other issue mentioned above has resolved.

It will be a small chemo for 2 hours and Wednesday I check in for one night for the big chemo which I really hope will not be as hard as last month. My oncologist has prescribed more medication to counteract any yucky feelings and I can take them as and when required.

Last night started the snow showers and we had amazingly big flakes of snow falling for several hours. Unfortunately it did not last long as the sun has been shining today with the occasional snow shower but the big melt is on.

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