Thursday 10 July 2008

Three goes

It took three goes to get a good vein but eventually my chemo nurse managed. I feel so sorry for them when they don’t get it first time because you can see that it hurts them too knowing they are causing discomfort.

I received 75% of the regular amount of chemo because my blood levels were too low to receive the full dose. My oncologist has requested that I have my blood checked next week to make sure the levels are returning to normal. They can give me an IV of blood platelets if too low to boost my system.

I am now finally on a rest period from chemo and hope I have enough energy to enjoy this lovely sunny weather we are having.

I spent the last couple of hours in the garden planting some bushes next to my swing chair to add a bit of privacy….

Once the cold nights have past and we have little chance of freezing during the night I can start to plant up some vegetables which I am really looking forward to….

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