Wednesday 9 July 2008

Calvados and cola

Today I met up with my oncologist who will be overseeing the chemo treatment over the next 4 months. He is a really gentle guy that made me feel very comfortable. My life over the next 4 months will be in his hands so I guess it is important to feel comfortable with your doctor.

My results from the blood tests were good and nothing to worry about and I also had a physical and I passed with flying colours so the chemo will definitely go ahead tomorrow as planned.

I was packed off home with a prescription for the anti sickness and steroid medication that I will have to take for a few days after each chemo treatment.

Fortunately for me medical science has advanced enough to have good medicine to reduce the evil side effects of chemo……well at least reduce the effects sometimes….

When I went to my pharmacy they only had the steroids and not the anti sickness meds. They have ordered them for me and I will have to go back tomorrow to pick them up.

My mind is constantly making scenarios up of how I will deal with this treatment and I am trying so hard to make them positive thoughts. I am not scared of the chemo as I know that it may give me a chance at a longer life.

It isn’t until we face our own mortality that it becomes clear how important and short life really is and how much we will do to maintain our existence.

The oncologist said to me today that it is very rare for someone so young to get bladder cancer as it normally affects men or women in later life. I was asked if I had ever worked in a chemical factory and my answer was no…..but I did explain to him that I have used many chemicals on my hair over the years trying to achieve that Californian beach look that always looked fabulous on me…..he just laughed…

So it is my last night of freedom in a way and to take the edge off I have just downed a large glass of calvados and cola and it was very nice so I am going to have another….Dutch courage for tomorrow……

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